The EPB or Energy Performance Regulations came into effect throughout Belgium at the beginning of 2006. Every construction work for which an energy performance file number is assigned must comply with the legislation at the time the building permit is applied for. The legislation differs from region to region (Flanders-Wallonia-Brussels), but has the same goal everywhere. This is the achievement of energy-efficient buildings and the reduction of CO2 production.
Raco has been a recognized EPB reporter/EPB advisor in Flanders and the Brussels-Capital Region since the beginning (2006) and has always carried out EPB as one of its main activities. We have grown with the legislation in both knowledge and operational staff and can therefore help you carry out your project in the most economical way possible, taking into account the design.
While we initially concentrated mainly on the private market, we have evolved over the years and especially recently to all branches of EPB studies. We are now focusing increasingly in specific and more difficult projects such as apartments, schools, offices and industrial buildings.
Feasibility studies
New buildings larger than 1000 m² and with an urban planning permit application from 1 February 2008, are obliged to have a feasibility study carried out. The aim is to inform the client about the possible techniques, the subsidies and the feasibility of various alternative energy systems in their project. The study must be carried out within one month of applying for the urban development permit. The results must be submitted via a web form to the VEA (Flemish Energy Agency).
The techniques to be investigated differ for the different uses of the buildings (schools-offices-industry-apartments-…). Raco has already conducted and submitted hundreds of feasibility studies for these disciplines.

Energy audits
Your private commercial building will have consumed a certain amount of energy at the end of each year. This in the form of lighting, heating and cooling, but your business processes may also consume a lot less energy if you change technology, or by applying smart controls/measurements.
Raco has already screened various companies and buildings in the past and has provided advice on the way(s) in which to save energy and therefore costs.
Depending on your wishes, we can apply our other services (techniques, dynamic simulations, BREEAM) to reduce the energy consumption of your company.
Benchmark/Audit convenant
Energy and energy management has become a very important aspect for many companies in the short term. With the introduction of the audit covenant and the benchmark covenant in Flanders, the demand for experienced energy experts has increased significantly.
To meet this demand from our customers, Johan Caeyers has applied for and obtained the recognition to act as an energy expert for both the audit and the benchmark covenant.